Monday, February 4, 2013


This past week we took a close look at this book in the collection: History of New York City from the Discovery to the Present Day (written by William Leete Stone and published in New York by Virtue and Yorston in 1872).

If you are looking for information about NYC's current present day, you'll need to continue your search. But if you're interested in the city's history from its discovery to 1872 (the author's "present day"), this is the book for you.

The volume is divided into three parts. The first part covers the period from 1508 to 1674; the second from 1674 to 1783. The third part covers the years 1783  to 1872 and includes information about these topics:

Publishing Houses
Banking Capital Invested
Schools of Art, Painting and Sculpting
The visit of the Russian Duke
Dickens Dinner

Also included are 38 pages of plates as well as illustrations and maps. You're welcome to stop by and take a look.

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