Monday, January 28, 2013


We have a suggestion for all of you interested in the Civil War - stop by the Bullis Room and ask to take a look at the book The Story of the Great March by George Nichols, published in 1865.

"This is the Civil War diary of Major George Ward Nichols, aide-de-camp to General William T. Sherman during the latter part of the war. It is a personal story, describing his experiences during Sherman's March to the Sea and the subsequent march through the Carolinas.
  "For a personal journal it is surprisingly well written and describes this journey as a decidedly uncertain endeavor. Written in the vernacular of the time, it provides a unique insight into the operations and risks associated with the most singular military event of the war."

Illustrations, plates and a folding map aid in the reader's appreciation of this event. You won't be disappointed.

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