Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Since Monday's 100th anniversary of the sinking of the RMS Titanic, we've been searching through the Bullis Collection for books on that subject. We got zero hits, but we did find four neat books on boating. Here's the list, and you may find one or more of interest (we did!).

1. Practical Boat-building for Amateurs: containing full instructions for designing and building punts, skiffs, canoes, row and sailing boats, with a complete ABC guide to canoe sailing, ABC guide to camping out together with all necessary definitions of nautical terms, by Adrian Neison, published in 1902 by Henneberry, with illustrations. (With a title like that, we need not say more.)

2. Boat Building and Boating,  by D. C. Beard, published in 1911 by C. Scribner's Sons. This edition has many illustrations to guild the would-be boat builder to a successful outcome.

3. A House-boat on the Styx, by John Kendrick Bangs, published in 1896 by Harper & Brothers.

4. Boat Life in Egypt and Nubia, by William C. Prime, published in 1866 by Harper.

So if you're "into" boats or boating in anyway, you might find one or more of these books a good read. We hope so.

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