Wednesday, April 25, 2012


This war for our independence started in April, 1775 and there is still a great deal of interest in this part of our history 237 years later. If you are one of those people who are into this part of our history, consider taking a look at this Bullis Collection book:

Camp Fires of the Revolution: or The War of Independence,  by Henry Clay Watson, published in 1850 by Lindsay and Blackiston.

This volume illustrates the foot soldier's perspective of this war by recording stories told around the campfires of those participants.  As the author states, "here we have the incidents of various battles, and the exploit of chieftains, told as if by eye-witnesses, and in the familiar, easily-comprehended language of the farmer and mechanic soldiers of the American army.

The book is illustrated, which adds a great deal to the events and stories told by those Continental soldiers. You are invited to stop by the Bullis Room and read one or two of these tales narrated by someone who was actually there.

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