Monday, May 12, 2014


This is the time of year (especially in this area) when many of us look for lilac blossoms. If you are a lilac fancier, we recommend you take a look at this Bullis book:

Lilac Culture
Author: John C. Wister
Publisher: Orange Judd Publishing Co., New York, 1930 

It's part of a Farm and Garden Library series, the only one in the Bullis collection.

The book has illustrations and plates that will be especially interesting to the lilac gardener who has several variety of lilacs.  (Wister was a well-respected horticulturist of his day, and he helped organize the American Iris Society in 1920.)

So perhaps on a rainy day when you can't get out and enjoy the real thing, we invite you to stop by the Bullis Room and look at the visuals in this book.

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