Saturday, March 3, 2012


Two D&C newspaper articles this week sent us searching through the Bullis records for books on automobiles. The first was an item in the "History" column on Sunday, noting that in 1911 Charles F. Kettering "demonstrated his electric automobile starter in Detroit by starting a Cadillac's motor with just the press of a switch, instead of hand-cranking." The second was Bob Marcotte's February 27 article titled "Brakes put on 'pleasure driving,'" referring to gas rationing in 1942.  So we decided to see what was in the Bullis collection on automobiles, and we found another fascinating book.

Self-propelled Vehicles was written by James E. Homans and published in 1912 by Theo. Audel & Company. It includes information on "construction, operation, care and management of all forms of automobiles." It has approximately 500 illustrations and diagrams and includes information on the "various types of motor carriages driven by steam, gasoline and electricity." This book is a must-read for readers interested in machine mechanics and a must-look-through for those of us who love old books. You are invited to take a look, whichever category you fall in.

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