Saturday, July 2, 2011


Over the last year or so, we've read excerpts of letters written by various members of the Bullis family that are interesting...and informative...up to a point.  We have  a growing feeling that there is a "rest of the story"  that we need to know in order to complete our picture of this family.

If anyone has documents and/or original letters (or notes, stories, poems) written by any of the Bullises, we would greatly appreciate your sharing them with us. There are many, many gaps in the family history that we would like to fill in. And without the complete documents, completion of the task is impossible.

Likewise, if there is any information you are in search of regarding any of the Bullises, just let us know through this blog. We'll certainly be glad to do what we can to help you get the of "rest of the story" that you need, as well.

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