Thursday, July 16, 2009


No, we volunteers haven't been gardening here in the Bullis Room even though the many books on that subject inspire us to get dirt under our fingernails. Instead we've again been digging through the many papers, documents, and photos we have on the Bullis family and their extended family and friends. This includes the Knapp, Breese, Loomis, and Rodenberger families.

The Bullis Room Committee's goal is: "To present the contents and value of the Bullis Collection and the historical footprint of the Bullis family to the Macedon community." Accomplishing this goal means we need to be familiar with every book, pamphlet, letter, note, journal, and photo in this collection. Obviously, that takes lots of digging, sometimes until our heads are swimming with facts and details and we say "Enough for now." We always come back to the task, though, motivated by our respect for the Bullis family and inspired by our love of the Bullis Room and everything in it.

Last week we were also inspired and motivated by our visit with an extended-family member of the Bullises who shared photos and clippings as well as memories of Nettie, Charlie, their parents, and the Bullis house. This information enhances our understanding of Nettie Bullis and her family and motivates us to do--guess what--MORE DIGGING!

(We'd love to hear from you if you have any memories of or information about these families.)

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