Saturday, March 1, 2014


Please mark you calendars and plan to be in MPL's Community Room on Wednesday, Marcy 26, 2014, at 6 PM for an interesting, fascinating, and downright fun evening with RICHARD D. HAMELL (MCC Geology Professor Emeritus ) and his presentation on SERPENTS BENEATH THE SURFACE.  

You'll learn about the lore and legends of monsters thought to be descendants of dinosaurs which were also thought to ply the waters of New York State. As if that's not enough to keep you on the edge of your seats, you'll also hear abut the possible connection of these local monster legends to Nessie of Loch Ness and Champ of Lake Champlain.

We have one other suggestion. After you've seen this presentation, you might want to stop by the Bullis Room and take a look at this book:

Our English Lakes, Mountains, and Waterfalls
by William Wordsworth, published by Provost in London, 1870.

Reading Wordsworth before bedtime should allow you to have a more restful sleep -- and quickly dispel visions of monsters rising from the depths of the lakes. And you might want to even memorize a few lines to recall the next time you go for a canoe trip on Lake Champlain.

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