Monday, April 29, 2013


This week we focused on two books in the collection about Rhode Island, the first of the 13 original colonies to declare independence from British rule. Rhode Island made this declaration on May 4, 1776, two months before any other colony did so.

If you'd like to learn more about Rhode Island and its people, we recommend these two Bullis books:

History of Providence County, Rhode Island
by Richard M. Bayless
published in 1891 by W. Preston, New York


Re-union of the Sons and Daughters of Newport R.I.
by George C. Mason
published in 1859 by F.A. Pratt, City printers

Though both of these books were written many years following the colony's 1776 declaration, they include information about Rhode Island's early days. These books are a good lead-in to another celebration of our country's independence that is just two months away. Please give us a call if you'd like to look at either of them.

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