Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Last week we searched for books on California and got sidetracked by a reference to St. Thomas More. So this week we looked in the Bullis data bank for books on More and were disappointed that we didn't find a book dedicated exclusively to him. However, because he was an important councillor to Henry VIII of England as well as Lord Chancellor from October 1529 to May 1532, there are references to him in these two Bullis books that chronicle the life of that monarch:

1. Memoirs of Henry the Eighth of England: with the fortunes, fates and character of his six wives, written by Henry William Herbert and published by Miller, Orton & Mulligan in 1855.

2. The Divorce of Catherine of Aragon: the story as told by the imperial ambassadors resident at the court of Henry VIII, written by J. A. Froude and published by C. Scribner's Sons in 1899.

So for you history buffs who are into that period in history, we recommend you take a look at these two volumes.

Now for the "Dental Congress" part of this post's title - our "California" search last week also hit on this book in the collection:

Panama-Pacific Dental Congress, San Francisco, California, August thirtieth to September ninth, nineteen fifteen, authored by Panama-Pacific Dental Congress (1915: San Francisco) and published by The Abbott Press in 1915.

How did this book make its way into the Bullis collection? In fact, how did it make its way to Macedon? As far as we know, there were no dentists in the Bullis family and very few (if any?) in the Macedon area in 1915.  We'll never know the how and why of it, but we do know it is in residence on a shelf in the Bullis Room. So if  you're interested in what was going on in dentistry in the Panama-Pacific area a hundred years ago, this may be just the book for you.

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