Tuesday, December 31, 2013


Now don't look so gay
For it isn't much fun
When you've shoveled all day
And can't see what you've done.
And don't sit and stare
At the ground that's now bare;
Some day there'll be snow,
Ask Raphie-she'll know !

It will sift thru the rifts
Round the windows and door,
And pile up huge drifts
As it has done oft before.
You'll start for the barn
Then turn to go back,
This sounds like a yarn,
But you can't see your track;
for the wind-how it blows !
Ask Raphie-she knows !

It comes light as a feather,
Or as heavy as lead;
It doesn't care whether
You're up or abed.
It comes with a roar
That will rattle the door,
And you'll wake with a start
In the dead of the  night;
Then you'll know in your heart 
That Raphie was right.

When you've piled the banks high
And are weary and sore,
And you glance at the sky
And know there'll be more,
Or the plow with its blade
Rolls part of its load
In the path you've just made
Down by the road;
'Twill hurt you a bit
As you sit down to rest,
but you'll have to admit
That Raphie knew best.

Nettie A. Bullis
May 15, 1948"

Friday, December 20, 2013


 (Today, we are once again sharing with you "The Joys of Reading," first posted five years ago today.)


Renewing old friendships of heroes and heroines;

Traveling to faraway places without leaving home;

Expanding the mind to learn anew;

Studying the past and learning from our ancestors
and much more.

Give yourself the gift of time this winter,
settle down with a good book.

You won't regret it.


Wednesday, December 11, 2013


Mark your calendars for Wednesday, January 22, 2014, 6 PM, Macedon Public Library's Community Room. That's the time that Jeff Davignon, Director of Walworth-Seely Public Library, will demonstrate the 3-D printer that is now in residence at the Walworth library. Jeff's presentation has made a big hit at other area libraries, and we're anticipating an enthusiastic turnout that night.

(As we look around the Bullis Room, we wonder how much different this new technology is from the technology that produced the books that fill this room. Perhaps like the difference between Star Trek stories and those written by Charles Dickens, perhaps?)

In other presentations, Davignon's special printer has produced whimsical things like an owl, Spongebob Squarepants, and other small figurines. The printer has also churned out usable sockets for a wrench set, brackets for library shelving, a glow-in-the-dark cellphone case, and a life-size medical model of an inner ear, based on an MRI scan.

What would Nettie and Charlie Bullis have thought of such a machine? We think that  Nettie may have been impressed with its efficiency and Charlie, with the novelty of the thing.  Charlie may have even decided to try to build his own version of the machine.

Please plan to come and see this fun demo. And if you'd like to visit the Bullis Room after the 3-D presentation, we'll be glad to give you a quick tour. (But we have to be out before 8 PM! Or else we may turn into a plastic Spongebob Squarepants.)